Text: Is it time for your business to offer a chatbot? Background - black desktop with plant and silver iPhone

Have you noticed the way today’s consumers are demanding more and more instant gratification? Patience isn’t what it used to be. When someone wants something, they want it NOW, and that includes answers to questions and responsive customer service. With that in mind, have you wondered if offering a chatbot to interact with your clients […]


Is it Time For Your Business to Offer a Chatbot?

Text: Are Guest Bloggers a Good Idea for Your Business? Background: White desktop with glasses, a plant, a pen and notebooks

Is having outside contributors write blog posts for your business a good idea? The short answer is YES! Inviting guests to contribute to your blog can be a great idea… But there’s a “but.” Guest bloggers can add a lot of value if the relationship meets the following criteria: The blog posts help your audience […]


Are Guest Bloggers a Good Idea for Your Business?

Playing small - Overhead image of a coffee cup and white flowers on white table with text that reads 10 ways you're playing small in business and in life

Have you ever looked around your office, at the projects you’re working on, the space you occupy and the life you’ve built for yourself, and wondered why you didn’t feel inspired, ecstatic and thrilled to be there? Maybe you’ve caught yourself watching the clock a lot lately or felt your shoulders droop when you realized […]

Guides, Reflections, Resources

10 Ways You’re Playing Small in Business

As a small business owner, you want to ensure you’re offering the best possible customer service to your clients from the first time they contact you, and as you build your relationship with them. But what does it take to not only meet your clients’ expectations, but exceed them in every way imaginable so that […]


Treating Customers Right (Two Sides of the Customer Service Coin Part 2)


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5 Tasks