My tough love approach (heavy on the love) focuses on bringing order to chaos, and creating solid (and straightforward) strategic plans. I take surveys for fun, never met a process I didn’t like, and am a big believer in personal growth as a keystone to business growth.
Kickstarter is an incredible way to acquire funds for special projects without having to beg for investors or lose equity in your company. Launching before you’re absolutely ready, however, can mean a failed campaign. If you want to be a part of the 36.75% of Kickstarter campaigns that succeed, make sure that all three of these areas are properly covered:
Make sure that you have a project that will solve a large enough problem to get people excited. You need to fire people’s imaginations and make them feel that their world will be a better place if your campaign succeeds.
This means that if you just need a new refrigerator, it’s not time to start a Kickstarter campaign yet.
People who invest in Kickstarter campaigns see online interactions as real things. This means that any plans you have to promote this campaign will need to be primarily online-focused, and you’ll need to be able to leverage an existing following through social media.
So, if the extent of your marketing plan was to hand out flyers or take out an ad in the local newspaper, you’ll need to hold off on launching your Kickstarter campaign until you have your online presence more developed.
There is nothing passive about a successful Kickstarter campaign. You’ll need to create teasers, promotional videos, incentives, communicate one-on-one with donors, reach out to press, and many other tasks in the month that your campaign runs – and you’ll be working at it every single day.
If you want your campaign to succeed, make sure your business has been organized in such a way as to let you commit full-time hours to this for up to 45 days.
If any of the above seems like a challenge to you, get in touch with us at Any Old Task at [email protected]. We specialize in making complex tasks much easier for small businesses, and can help your campaign fall in with the winning 36.75%.
Site by One6Creative • Photos by Aga Mortlock
Site by One6Creative • Photos by Aga Mortlock
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