Imagine software that makes planning, executing, and monitoring projects within your business a walk in the park. It helps your whole team–whether it’s a team of one, +1, or 100–know who is doing what and when. That’s what project management tools are all about. Even if your business only has one signature offer there are […]

Guides, Resources

How To Choose The Right Project Management Tool

It’s really easy to be busy all the time. That’s true for everyone, but as entrepreneurs, it’s almost a badge of honour! But as the CEO of your business, where you’re busy matters. As a guideline, you can aim to split your time evenly between working in your business (client work and delivery) and working […]

Processes, Reflections

Asking Questions Can Help To Grow Your Business

Inspiration and motivation can get you going, but habits keep you going. This is true whether you’re building your business, bodybuilding, or decorating your Christmas tree. There are books and courses and wonderful TED Talks about finding inspiration (or motivation, if that’s what you relate to), but there’s a problem they don’t generally acknowledge: it’s […]


Building New Habits to Create a Better Business

Text: Are Guest Bloggers a Good Idea for Your Business? Background: White desktop with glasses, a plant, a pen and notebooks

Is having outside contributors write blog posts for your business a good idea? The short answer is YES! Inviting guests to contribute to your blog can be a great idea… But there’s a “but.” Guest bloggers can add a lot of value if the relationship meets the following criteria: The blog posts help your audience […]


Are Guest Bloggers a Good Idea for Your Business?


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