My tough love approach (heavy on the love) focuses on bringing order to chaos, and creating solid (and straightforward) strategic plans. I take surveys for fun, never met a process I didn’t like, and am a big believer in personal growth as a keystone to business growth.
Do you know the most important trait a business owner can possess to succeed and thrive in the entrepreneurial world?
The answer might not be what you expect. It’s not great investors, a wide skill set, or years of experience. It’s not even the natural inclination to keep striving for more or the ambition to succeed, even though those traits are very important.
The most important trait to possess as a business owner is a positive mindset.
Yep, that’s it. A positive mindset. Seems simple, right?
Your mindset is what will set you apart from your competition. For instance, have you ever thought about what allows underdog teams to win out over their more talented, higher-ranked opponents? Mindset.
Energy, whether it be positive or negative, is catching. Think of a time when you might have “woken up on the wrong side of the bed.” Likely, your interactions with others weren’t entirely pleasant, and as a result, you probably spread your bad mood around to your friends, family, and/or colleagues. There’s nothing like a case of the grumps first thing in the morning to ruin someone’s day!
Fortunately, the opposite of this is true too. Positive energy can be just as catching as negative energy, but has the power to change and transform everyone’s day for the better. And when cultivated every day, it can transform your business too! When you have a positive mindset, your energy becomes infectious, so make your daily interactions with the best mindset possible. Those vibes will rub off on everyone you interact with, including your clients, customers, and staff. These sort of interactions have a way of setting off a chain reaction whereby the positive energy is continually passed along. You’ll make everyone in your business happier and your customers will enjoy doing business with you too. Who wouldn't want that?
A positive attitude is a can-do attitude; it makes you feel like you can take on the world, and when you feel like you can take on the world, you’ll feel confident in your abilities to reach new heights within your business. With everyone in a positive mindset, a supportive and inspiring workplace culture can be fostered, allowing you and your team to take on new challenges with moxie.
Pro Tip: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals with a can-do, kick-ass mindset. Their positive, driven attitudes will help spur you on to bigger and better things.
There are many perks of being your own boss, but being a busy business owner with a slew of clients also means you have to deal with criticism and negative feedback from time to time. Any business owner can tell you that the entrepreneurial life is not without its difficulties. But do you see your difficulties as challenges to overcome, or as obstacles to achieving what you want?
Let’s talk about that word for a second—obstacles. Obstacles are blockages that stand in the way of something. When you view difficulties as obstacles, you are automatically approaching them with a negative mindset. They can seem unconquerable and thereby not worth your time or energy to address, or alternatively, so large and threatening that they need to be mowed down at full-speed, regardless as to who or what is hurt in the process.
If you're not in the right mindset, everyday difficulties can seem like burdensome obstacles rather than challenges. However, if you flip your outlook and see these difficulties through a positive set of spectacles, you'll be able to view them as opportunities to grow, improve, and better serve your customers and clients. Overcoming these challenges will not only have the desired effect of solving problems with integrity, but will also teach you valuable lessons going forward that you can apply to future situations and pass along to your staff.
“I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.” -Roger Clemens
The average busy entrepreneur has a “to-do” list about three miles long. Given all that you have to do, avoiding burnout should be one of your top priorities, and cultivating a positive outlook can be an essential way to do that.
One of the easiest ways to avoid burnout is to rework your thinking. Instead of looking at how much work you have to complete, think about how many opportunities you have to help your clients. If you start to feel overwhelmed by your workload, consider hiring a high-level virtual assistant or online business manager to help get some tasks off your plate. Delegating tasks can help you refocus on what you really love in your business and also help you reconnect with why you started your business in the first place.
Your mindset is what will help propel your business forward. It’s what will set you apart from your many competitors. When you exude positivity, confidence, and a can-do attitude, your clients will want to keep doing business with you – and also tell all their friends about how awesome it is to work with you. Say “hello” to referrals!
In today’s competitive business world, you need every advantage you can get to stay ahead of the game. One of the most important edges over the competition is something you can start working on today—you have all the tools you need, right inside your mind. Your mindset matters, and when you fully embrace that thought, you can begin to change your outlook, how you interact with others, how you tackle challenges, and how you respond to stress. And when all of this changes for the better, that’s when your business will really start to excel!
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