Working with uber-successful clients constantly reminds me that change is a constant in business! The most successful businesses are living entities with many moving parts, so they transform day-to-day and over time as new employees are hired and owners near retirement. I had lunch with a client recently who began to muse about when she’ll […]

Guides, Processes, Reflections

Why You Need a Turnover Plan

Are you feeling like there are just too many tasks to do in one day? Do you feel like the moment you cross an item off your to-dos, there are seven more tasks added to the list? As a small business owner and entrepreneur, you have precious little time to spare between managing your staff, […]

Guides, Reflections

The Value of Tools that Work Together

Every so often, you may see a Facebook ad or receive a webinar invite from a VA, or perhaps hear a peer say “I LOVE my VA”, and, intrigued, you wonder: What the heck do VAs actually do?! Should I work with one? What value can they bring to my business? Great questions! The first […]

Guides, Reflections

What VAs Do

Should you offer a bonus to your product or program? These days bonuses are so common they’re almost expected. That happy surprise that comes when people find out you’re giving them something extra for free isn’t what it used to be. So, should you bother? If they’re not as effective as they used to be, […]

Guides, Reflections

Should You Offer a Bonus?


Discover the 5 Tasks Crushing your Growth

5 Tasks