Text: Is Your Bedside Manner Affecting Your Bottom Line? |Background: Two cactuses in white pots on a white table

As an entrepreneur, here’s an awkward question: How likeable are you? No really. As a solopreneur or small business owner, it’s no secret that your clients are your bread and butter! So if you want to increase your income and grow your business, you’ve gotta treat those clients like the precious gems they are! High-quality […]


Is Your Bedside Manner Affecting Your Bottom Line?

As a small business owner, you want to ensure you’re offering the best possible customer service to your clients from the first time they contact you, and as you build your relationship with them. But what does it take to not only meet your clients’ expectations, but exceed them in every way imaginable so that […]


Treating Customers Right (Two Sides of the Customer Service Coin Part 2)

Grey background with black overlay that reads "How to Build Effective Client-Vendor Relationships"

As busy entrepreneurs, we’re always focused on how we can improve our customer service so our best clients become loyal advocates. But what about when we need to outsource a project? What qualities should we look for in a good, reliable vendor, and how do we build a solid relationship? And how can we make […]


How to Build Effective Vendor-Client Relationships (Two Sides of the Customer Service Coin)

Are You Asking Your Clients the Right Questions? How often are you posing questions to your clients and customers? What questions are you asking? And are you using the answers to help strengthen your business offerings and customer service? If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, asking your clients questions—and particularly, asking the right […]

Processes, Reflections

The Importance of Asking Questions


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