Image of a dandelion with black overlay and text that reads What to do when your online customers abandon their cart

So you have your inventory figured out, you’ve got a nice dose of incoming traffic, and your website looks neat and professional. But did you know, according to Shopify’s roundup of studies, 67.45% of online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes a sale? Holy guacamole! That number is really high!  That means your […]


What to Do When Your Online Customers Abandon Their Cart

You’ve got a pile of bills to pay, a large project deadline in the next few weeks, and the desk in your office needs cleaning. We’ve all been in this position, wondering what to do first and where to start! It all seems so overwhelming. But there’s an easy way to cut down on the […]

Guides, Reflections

Use the Kaizen Approach to Overcome Procrastination

Should you offer a bonus to your product or program? These days bonuses are so common they’re almost expected. That happy surprise that comes when people find out you’re giving them something extra for free isn’t what it used to be. So, should you bother? If they’re not as effective as they used to be, […]

Guides, Reflections

Should You Offer a Bonus?

There’s a trend among really successful professionals: they all tend to run webinars. The problem is: there are technical hurdles, you usually need to hire an assistant to help run it, and they can take a lot of time in planning and execution. So why do they put the time, effort, and money into creating them? […]

Course Development, Guides, Reflections

Why You Need a Webinar


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